Class Dragboard


public final class Dragboard extends Clipboard
A drag and drop specific Clipboard.
JavaFX 2.0
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getTransferModes Link icon

      public final Set<TransferMode> getTransferModes()
      Gets set of transport modes supported by source of this drag opeation.
      set of supported transfer modes
    • setDragView Link icon

      public void setDragView(Image image, double offsetX, double offsetY)
      Sets the visual representation of data being transfered in a drag and drop gesture. Uses the given image for the drag view with the offsetX and offsetY specifying cursor position over the image. This method should be called only when starting drag and drop operation in the DRAG_DETECTED handler, calling it at other times doesn't have any effect.
      image - image to use for the drag view
      offsetX - x position of the cursor over the image
      offsetY - y position of the cursor over the image
      JavaFX 8.0
    • setDragView Link icon

      public void setDragView(Image image)
      Sets the visual representation of data being transfered in a drag and drop gesture. This method should be called only when starting drag and drop operation in the DRAG_DETECTED handler, calling it at other times doesn't have any effect.
      image - image to use for the drag view
      JavaFX 8.0
    • setDragViewOffsetX Link icon

      public void setDragViewOffsetX(double offsetX)
      Sets the x position of the cursor of the drag view image. This method should be called only when starting drag and drop operation in the DRAG_DETECTED handler, calling it at other times doesn't have any effect.
      offsetX - x position of the cursor over the image
      JavaFX 8.0
    • setDragViewOffsetY Link icon

      public void setDragViewOffsetY(double offsetY)
      Sets the y position of the cursor of the drag view image. This method should be called only when starting drag and drop operation in the DRAG_DETECTED handler, calling it at other times doesn't have any effect.
      offsetY - y position of the cursor over the image
      JavaFX 8.0
    • getDragView Link icon

      public Image getDragView()
      Gets the image used as a drag view. This method returns meaningful value only when starting drag and drop operation in the DRAG_DETECTED handler, it returns null at other times.
      the image used as a drag view
      JavaFX 8.0
    • getDragViewOffsetX Link icon

      public double getDragViewOffsetX()
      Gets the x position of the cursor of the drag view image. This method returns meaningful value only when starting drag and drop operation in the DRAG_DETECTED handler, it returns 0 at other times.
      x position of the cursor over the image
      JavaFX 8.0
    • getDragViewOffsetY Link icon

      public double getDragViewOffsetY()
      Gets the y position of the cursor of the drag view image. This method returns meaningful value only when starting drag and drop operation in the DRAG_DETECTED handler, it returns 0 at other times.
      y position of the cursor over the image
      JavaFX 8.0