Class DisplacementMap


public class DisplacementMap
extends Effect
An effect that shifts each pixel by a distance specified by the first two bands of of the specified FloatMap. For each pixel in the output, the corresponding data from the mapData is retrieved, scaled and offset by the scale and offset attributes, scaled again by the size of the source input image and used as an offset from the destination pixel to retrieve the pixel data from the source input.

dst[x, y] = src[(x, y) + (offset + scale * map[x, y]) * (srcw, srch)]

A value of (0.0, 0.0) would specify no offset for the pixel data whereas a value of (0.5, 0.5) would specify an offset of half of the source image size.

Note that the mapping is the offset from a destination pixel to the source pixel location from which it is sampled which means that filling the map with all values of 0.5 would displace the image by half of its size towards the upper left since each destination pixel would contain the data that comes from the source pixel below and to the right of it.

Also note that this effect does not adjust the coordinates of input events or any methods that measure containment on a Node. The results of mouse picking and the containment methods are undefined when a Node has a DisplacementMap effect in place.


 int width = 220;
 int height = 100;

 FloatMap floatMap = new FloatMap();

 for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
     double v = (Math.sin(i / 20.0 * Math.PI) - 0.5) / 40.0;
     for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
         floatMap.setSamples(i, j, 0.0f, (float) v);

 DisplacementMap displacementMap = new DisplacementMap();

 Text text = new Text();
 text.setText("Wavy Text");
 text.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 50));

The code above produces the following:

The visual effect of
 DisplacementMap on text

JavaFX 2.0
  • Property Details

    • input

      public final ObjectProperty<Effect> inputProperty
      The input for this Effect. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getInput(), setInput(Effect)
    • mapData

      public final ObjectProperty<FloatMap> mapDataProperty
      The map data for this Effect.
      Default value:
      an empty map
      See Also:
      getMapData(), setMapData(FloatMap)
    • scaleX

      public final DoubleProperty scaleXProperty
      The scale factor by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getScaleX(), setScaleX(double)
    • scaleY

      public final DoubleProperty scaleYProperty
      The scale factor by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getScaleY(), setScaleY(double)
    • offsetX

      public final DoubleProperty offsetXProperty
      The offset by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getOffsetX(), setOffsetX(double)
    • offsetY

      public final DoubleProperty offsetYProperty
      The offset by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getOffsetY(), setOffsetY(double)
    • wrap

      public final BooleanProperty wrapProperty
      Defines whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.
             Min:  n/a
             Max:  n/a
         Default: false
        Identity:  n/a
      Default value:
      See Also:
      isWrap(), setWrap(boolean)
  • Constructor Details

    • DisplacementMap

      public DisplacementMap()
      Creates a new instance of DisplacementMap with default parameters.
    • DisplacementMap

      public DisplacementMap​(FloatMap mapData)
      Creates a new instance of DisplacementMap with the specified mapData.
      mapData - the map data for this displacement map effect
      JavaFX 2.1
    • DisplacementMap

      public DisplacementMap​(FloatMap mapData, double offsetX, double offsetY, double scaleX, double scaleY)
      Creates a new instance of DisplacementMap with the specified mapData, offsetX, offsetY, scaleX, and scaleY.
      mapData - the map data for this displacement map effect
      offsetX - the offset by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled
      offsetY - the offset by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled
      scaleX - the scale factor by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied
      scaleY - the scale factor by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied
      JavaFX 2.1
  • Method Details

    • setInput

      public final void setInput​(Effect value)
      Sets the value of the property input.
      Property description:
      The input for this Effect. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
    • getInput

      public final Effect getInput()
      Gets the value of the property input.
      Property description:
      The input for this Effect. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
    • inputProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Effect> inputProperty()
      The input for this Effect. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getInput(), setInput(Effect)
    • setMapData

      public final void setMapData​(FloatMap value)
      Sets the value of the property mapData.
      Property description:
      The map data for this Effect.
      Default value:
      an empty map
    • getMapData

      public final FloatMap getMapData()
      Gets the value of the property mapData.
      Property description:
      The map data for this Effect.
      Default value:
      an empty map
    • mapDataProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<FloatMap> mapDataProperty()
      The map data for this Effect.
      Default value:
      an empty map
      See Also:
      getMapData(), setMapData(FloatMap)
    • setScaleX

      public final void setScaleX​(double value)
      Sets the value of the property scaleX.
      Property description:
      The scale factor by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
    • getScaleX

      public final double getScaleX()
      Gets the value of the property scaleX.
      Property description:
      The scale factor by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
    • scaleXProperty

      public final DoubleProperty scaleXProperty()
      The scale factor by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getScaleX(), setScaleX(double)
    • setScaleY

      public final void setScaleY​(double value)
      Sets the value of the property scaleY.
      Property description:
      The scale factor by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
    • getScaleY

      public final double getScaleY()
      Gets the value of the property scaleY.
      Property description:
      The scale factor by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
    • scaleYProperty

      public final DoubleProperty scaleYProperty()
      The scale factor by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getScaleY(), setScaleY(double)
    • setOffsetX

      public final void setOffsetX​(double value)
      Sets the value of the property offsetX.
      Property description:
      The offset by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
    • getOffsetX

      public final double getOffsetX()
      Gets the value of the property offsetX.
      Property description:
      The offset by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
    • offsetXProperty

      public final DoubleProperty offsetXProperty()
      The offset by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getOffsetX(), setOffsetX(double)
    • setOffsetY

      public final void setOffsetY​(double value)
      Sets the value of the property offsetY.
      Property description:
      The offset by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
    • getOffsetY

      public final double getOffsetY()
      Gets the value of the property offsetY.
      Property description:
      The offset by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
    • offsetYProperty

      public final DoubleProperty offsetYProperty()
      The offset by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: 0.0
        Identity: 0.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getOffsetY(), setOffsetY(double)
    • setWrap

      public final void setWrap​(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the property wrap.
      Property description:
      Defines whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.
             Min:  n/a
             Max:  n/a
         Default: false
        Identity:  n/a
      Default value:
    • isWrap

      public final boolean isWrap()
      Gets the value of the property wrap.
      Property description:
      Defines whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.
             Min:  n/a
             Max:  n/a
         Default: false
        Identity:  n/a
      Default value:
    • wrapProperty

      public final BooleanProperty wrapProperty()
      Defines whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.
             Min:  n/a
             Max:  n/a
         Default: false
        Identity:  n/a
      Default value:
      See Also:
      isWrap(), setWrap(boolean)