Class TreeTableRow<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the item contained within the Cell.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

public class TreeTableRow<T> extends IndexedCell<T>

TreeTableRow is an IndexedCell, but rarely needs to be used by developers creating TreeTableView instances. The only time TreeTableRow is likely to be encountered at all by a developer is if they wish to create a custom rowFactory that replaces an entire row of a TreeTableView.

More often than not, it is actually easier for a developer to customize individual cells in a row, rather than the whole row itself. To do this, you can specify a custom cellFactory on each TreeTableColumn instance.

JavaFX 8.0
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TreeTableRow

      public TreeTableRow()
      Creates a default TreeTableRow instance.
  • Method Details

    • getTreeItem

      public final TreeItem<T> getTreeItem()
      Returns the TreeItem currently set in this TreeTableRow.
      the TreeItem currently set in this TreeTableRow
    • treeItemProperty

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TreeItem<T>> treeItemProperty()
      Each TreeTableCell represents at most a single TreeItem, which is represented by this property.
      the tree item property
      See Also:
    • setDisclosureNode

      public final void setDisclosureNode(Node value)
      The node to use as the "disclosure" triangle, or toggle, used for expanding and collapsing items. This is only used in the case of an item in the tree which contains child items. If not specified, the TreeTableCell's Skin implementation is responsible for providing a default disclosure node.
      value - the disclosure node
    • getDisclosureNode

      public final Node getDisclosureNode()
      Returns the current disclosure node set in this TreeTableCell.
      the disclosure node
    • disclosureNodeProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Node> disclosureNodeProperty()
      The disclosure node is commonly seen represented as a triangle that rotates on screen to indicate whether or not the TreeItem that it is placed beside is expanded or collapsed.
      the disclosure node property
      See Also:
    • getTreeTableView

      public final TreeTableView<T> getTreeTableView()
      Returns the TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell.
      the tree table view
    • treeTableViewProperty

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TreeTableView<T>> treeTableViewProperty()
      A TreeTableCell is explicitly linked to a single TreeTableView instance, which is represented by this property.
      the tree table view property
      See Also:
    • updateTreeTableView

      public final void updateTreeTableView(TreeTableView<T> treeTable)
      Updates the TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell.
      treeTable - The new TreeTableView that should be associated with this TreeTableCell. Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily by those implementing new Skins. It is not common for developers or designers to access this function directly.
    • updateTreeItem

      public final void updateTreeItem(TreeItem<T> treeItem)
      Updates the TreeItem associated with this TreeTableCell.
      treeItem - The new TreeItem that should be associated with this TreeTableCell. Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily by those implementing new Skins. It is not common for developers or designers to access this function directly.