Uses of Class
Package | Description |
javafx.animation |
Provides the set of classes for ease of use transition based animations.
| |
The package defines read-only
properties and writable properties, plus a number of implementations. | |
Provides various classes that act as adapters between a regular Java Bean
property and a corresponding
Property . |
javafx.concurrent |
Provides the set of classes for javafx.task.
javafx.css |
Provides API for making properties styleable via CSS and for supporting
pseudo-class state.
javafx.scene |
Provides the core set of base
classes for the JavaFX Scene Graph API.
javafx.scene.chart |
The JavaFX User Interface provides a set of chart components that
are a very convenient way for data visualization.
javafx.scene.control |
The JavaFX User Interface Controls (UI Controls or just Controls) are
specialized Nodes in the JavaFX Scenegraph especially suited for reuse in
many different application contexts.
javafx.scene.control.cell |
javafx.scene.control.cell package is where all cell-related
classes are located, other than the core classes such as
Cell , IndexedCell ,
ListCell , TreeCell ,
and TableCell . | |
The package is where the skin classes, typically
one for each UI control, are located
javafx.scene.effect |
Provides the set of classes for attaching graphical filter effects to JavaFX Scene Graph Nodes.
javafx.scene.image |
Provides the set of classes for loading and displaying images.
javafx.scene.layout |
Provides classes to support user interface layout.
| |
Provides the set of classes for integrating audio and video into Java FX
javafx.scene.shape |
Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on
objects related to two-dimensional geometry.
javafx.scene.text |
Provides the set of classes for fonts and renderable Text Node.
javafx.scene.web |
This package provides means for loading and displaying Web content.
javafx.stage |
Provides the top-level container classes for JavaFX content.
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.animation
Methods in javafx.animation that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
Animation. autoReverseProperty()
Defines whether thisAnimation
reverses direction on alternating cycles. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in
Subclasses of BooleanProperty in Modifier and Type Class Description class
The classBooleanPropertyBase
is the base class for a property wrapping aboolean
This class provides a convenient class to define read-only properties.class
This class provides a full implementation of aProperty
wrapping aboolean
value.Methods in that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description static BooleanProperty
BooleanProperty. booleanProperty(Property<Boolean> property)
Returns aBooleanProperty
that wraps aProperty
. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in
Subclasses of BooleanProperty in Modifier and Type Class Description class
provides an adapter between a regular Java Bean property of typeboolean
and a JavaFXBooleanProperty
. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.concurrent
Methods in javafx.concurrent that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
ScheduledService. restartOnFailureProperty()
Indicates whether the ScheduledService should automatically restart in the case of a failure in the Task. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.css
Subclasses of BooleanProperty in javafx.css Modifier and Type Class Description class
This class extendsSimpleBooleanProperty
and provides a full implementation of aStyleableProperty
This class extendsBooleanPropertyBase
and provides a partial implementation of aStyleableProperty
. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene
Methods in javafx.scene that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
Group. autoSizeChildrenProperty()
Controls whether or not thisGroup
will automatically resize any managed resizable children to their preferred sizes during the layout pass.BooleanProperty
Node. cacheProperty()
A performance hint to the system to indicate that thisNode
should be cached as a bitmap.BooleanProperty
Node. disableProperty()
Defines the individual disabled state of thisNode
Node. focusTraversableProperty()
Specifies whether thisNode
should be a part of focus traversal cycle.BooleanProperty
LightBase. lightOnProperty()
Defines the light on or off.BooleanProperty
Node. managedProperty()
Defines whether or not this node's layout will be managed by it's parent.BooleanProperty
Node. mouseTransparentProperty()
, this node (together with all its children) is completely transparent to mouse events.BooleanProperty
Node. pickOnBoundsProperty()
Defines how the picking computation is done for this node when triggered by aMouseEvent
or acontains
function call.BooleanProperty
PerspectiveCamera. verticalFieldOfViewProperty()
Defines whether thefieldOfView
property will apply to the vertical dimension of the projection.BooleanProperty
Node. visibleProperty()
Specifies whether thisNode
and any subnodes should be rendered as part of the scene graph. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.chart
Methods in javafx.scene.chart that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
XYChart. alternativeColumnFillVisibleProperty()
If true then alternative vertical columns will have fillsBooleanProperty
XYChart. alternativeRowFillVisibleProperty()
If true then alternative horizontal rows will have fillsBooleanProperty
Axis. animatedProperty()
When true any changes to the axis and its range will be animated.BooleanProperty
Chart. animatedProperty()
When true any data changes will be animated.BooleanProperty
Axis. autoRangingProperty()
This is true when the axis determines its range from the data automaticallyBooleanProperty
PieChart. clockwiseProperty()
When true we start placing slices clockwise from the startAngleBooleanProperty
AreaChart. createSymbolsProperty()
When true, CSS styleable symbols are created for any data items that don't have a symbol node specified.BooleanProperty
LineChart. createSymbolsProperty()
When true, CSS styleable symbols are created for any data items that don't have a symbol node specified.BooleanProperty
StackedAreaChart. createSymbolsProperty()
When true, CSS styleable symbols are created for any data items that don't have a symbol node specified.BooleanProperty
NumberAxis. forceZeroInRangeProperty()
When true zero is always included in the visible range.BooleanProperty
CategoryAxis. gapStartAndEndProperty()
If this is true then half the space between ticks is left at the start and endBooleanProperty
XYChart. horizontalGridLinesVisibleProperty()
True if horizontal grid lines should be drawnBooleanProperty
XYChart. horizontalZeroLineVisibleProperty()
If this is true and the horizontal axis has both positive and negative values then a additional axis line will be drawn at the zero pointBooleanProperty
PieChart. labelsVisibleProperty()
When true pie slice labels are drawnBooleanProperty
Chart. legendVisibleProperty()
When true the chart will display a legend if the chart implementation supports a legend.BooleanProperty
ValueAxis. minorTickVisibleProperty()
true if minor tick marks should be displayedBooleanProperty
Axis. tickLabelsVisibleProperty()
true if tick mark labels should be displayedBooleanProperty
Axis. tickMarkVisibleProperty()
true if tick marks should be displayedBooleanProperty
XYChart. verticalGridLinesVisibleProperty()
True if vertical grid lines should be drawnBooleanProperty
XYChart. verticalZeroLineVisibleProperty()
If this is true and the vertical axis has both positive and negative values then a additional axis line will be drawn at the zero point -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.control
Methods in javafx.scene.control that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
CheckBox. allowIndeterminateProperty()
Determines whether the user toggling the CheckBox should cycle through all three states: checked, unchecked, and undefined.BooleanProperty
TitledPane. animatedProperty()
The animated state of the TitledPane.BooleanProperty
ComboBoxBase. armedProperty()
Indicates that the ComboBox has been "armed" such that a mouse release will cause the
method to be invoked.BooleanProperty
Button. cancelButtonProperty()
A Cancel Button is the button that receives a keyboard VK_ESC press, if no other node in the scene consumes it.BooleanProperty
TableSelectionModel. cellSelectionEnabledProperty()
A boolean property used to represent whether the table is in row or cell selection modes.BooleanProperty
Tab. closableProperty()
The closable state for this tab.BooleanProperty
TitledPane. collapsibleProperty()
The collapsible state of the TitledPane.BooleanProperty
Button. defaultButtonProperty()
A default Button is the button that receives a keyboard VK_ENTER press, if no other node in the scene consumes it.BooleanProperty
MenuItem. disableProperty()
Sets the individual disabled state of this MenuItem.BooleanProperty
Tab. disableProperty()
Sets the disabled state of this tab.BooleanProperty
Cell. editableProperty()
A property representing whether this cell is allowed to be put into an editing state.BooleanProperty
ComboBoxBase. editableProperty()
Specifies whether the ComboBox allows for user input.BooleanProperty
ListView. editableProperty()
Specifies whether this ListView is editable - only if the ListView and the ListCells within it are both editable will a ListCell be able to go into their editing state.BooleanProperty
Spinner. editableProperty()
The editable property is used to specify whether user input is able to be typed into the Spinnereditor
TableColumnBase. editableProperty()
Specifies whether this table column allows editing.BooleanProperty
TableView. editableProperty()
Specifies whether this TableView is editable - only if the TableView, the TableColumn (if applicable) and the TableCells within it are both editable will a TableCell be able to go into their editing state.BooleanProperty
TextInputControl. editableProperty()
Indicates whether this TextInputControl can be edited by the user.BooleanProperty
TreeTableView. editableProperty()
Specifies whether this TreeTableView is editable - only if the TreeTableView and the TreeCells within it are both editable will a TreeCell be able to go into their editing state.BooleanProperty
TreeView. editableProperty()
Specifies whether this TreeView is editable - only if the TreeView and the TreeCells within it are both editable will a TreeCell be able to go into their editing state.BooleanProperty
DialogPane. expandedProperty()
Represents whether the dialogPane is expanded.BooleanProperty
TitledPane. expandedProperty()
The expanded state of the TitledPane.BooleanProperty
TreeItem. expandedProperty()
The expanded state of this TreeItem.BooleanProperty
ScrollPane. fitToHeightProperty()
If true and if the contained node is a Resizable, then the node will be kept resized to match the height of the ScrollPane's viewport.BooleanProperty
ScrollPane. fitToWidthProperty()
If true and if the contained node is a Resizable, then the node will be kept resized to match the width of the ScrollPane's viewport.BooleanProperty
CustomMenuItem. hideOnClickProperty()
If true, this menu item, and all visible menus, will be hidden when this menu item is clicked on.BooleanProperty
CheckBoxTreeItem. independentProperty()
used to represent the independent state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.BooleanProperty
CheckBox. indeterminateProperty()
Determines whether the CheckBox is in the indeterminate state.BooleanProperty
CheckBoxTreeItem. indeterminateProperty()
used to represent the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.BooleanProperty
Labeled. mnemonicParsingProperty()
MnemonicParsing property to enable/disable text parsing.BooleanProperty
MenuItem. mnemonicParsingProperty()
MnemonicParsing property to enable/disable text parsing.BooleanProperty
ScrollPane. pannableProperty()
Specifies whether the user should be able to pan the viewport by using the mouse.BooleanProperty
TableColumnBase. reorderableProperty()
A boolean property to toggle on and off the 'reorderability' of this column (with drag and drop - reordering by modifying the appropriatecolumns
list is always allowed).BooleanProperty
Dialog. resizableProperty()
Represents whether the dialog is resizable.BooleanProperty
TableColumnBase. resizableProperty()
Used to indicate whether the width of this column can change.BooleanProperty
TabPane. rotateGraphicProperty()
The rotateGraphic state of the tabs in the TabPane.BooleanProperty
CheckBox. selectedProperty()
Indicates whether this CheckBox is checked.BooleanProperty
CheckBoxTreeItem. selectedProperty()
used to represent the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.BooleanProperty
CheckMenuItem. selectedProperty()
Represents the current state of this CheckMenuItem.BooleanProperty
RadioMenuItem. selectedProperty()
Toggle. selectedProperty()
The selected state for thisToggle
ToggleButton. selectedProperty()
Indicates whether this toggle button is selected.BooleanProperty
TreeTableView. showRootProperty()
Property that represents whether or not the TreeTableView root node is visible.BooleanProperty
TreeView. showRootProperty()
Property that represents whether or not the TreeView root node is visible.BooleanProperty
Slider. showTickLabelsProperty()
Indicates that the labels for tick marks should be shown.BooleanProperty
Slider. showTickMarksProperty()
Specifies whether theSkin
implementation should show tick marks.BooleanProperty
DatePicker. showWeekNumbersProperty()
Whether the DatePicker popup should display a column showing week numbers.BooleanProperty
Slider. snapToTicksProperty()
Indicates whether thevalue
of theSlider
should always be aligned with the tick marks.BooleanProperty
TableColumnBase. sortableProperty()
A boolean property to toggle on and off the 'sortability' of this column.BooleanProperty
TableView. tableMenuButtonVisibleProperty()
This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TableColumn in this table.BooleanProperty
TreeTableView. tableMenuButtonVisibleProperty()
This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TreeTableColumn in this table.BooleanProperty
Labeled. underlineProperty()
Whether all text should be underlined.BooleanProperty
MenuBar. useSystemMenuBarProperty()
Use the system menu bar if the current platform supports it.BooleanProperty
Slider. valueChangingProperty()
When true, indicates the current value of this Slider is changing.BooleanProperty
MenuItem. visibleProperty()
Specifies whether this MenuItem should be rendered as part of the scene graph.BooleanProperty
TableColumnBase. visibleProperty()
Toggling this will immediately toggle the visibility of this column, and all children columns.BooleanProperty
Hyperlink. visitedProperty()
Indicates whether this link has already been "visited".BooleanProperty
SpinnerValueFactory. wrapAroundProperty()
The wrapAround property is used to specify whether the value factory should be circular.BooleanProperty
Labeled. wrapTextProperty()
If a run of text exceeds the width of the Labeled, then this variable indicates whether the text should wrap onto another line.BooleanProperty
TextArea. wrapTextProperty()
If a run of text exceeds the width of theTextArea
, then this variable indicates whether the text should wrap onto another line.BooleanProperty
Tooltip. wrapTextProperty()
If a run of text exceeds the width of the Tooltip, then this variable indicates whether the text should wrap onto another line. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.control.cell
Methods in javafx.scene.control.cell that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
ComboBoxListCell. comboBoxEditableProperty()
A property representing whether the ComboBox, when shown to the user, is editable or not.BooleanProperty
ComboBoxTableCell. comboBoxEditableProperty()
A property representing whether the ComboBox, when shown to the user, is editable or not.BooleanProperty
ComboBoxTreeCell. comboBoxEditableProperty()
A property representing whether the ComboBox, when shown to the user, is editable or not.BooleanProperty
ComboBoxTreeTableCell. comboBoxEditableProperty()
A property representing whether the ComboBox, when shown to the user, is editable or not. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in
Methods in that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description protected BooleanProperty
TextInputControlSkin. forwardBiasProperty()
Caret bias in the content.BooleanProperty
ComboBoxListViewSkin. hideOnClickProperty()
By default this skin hides the popup whenever the ListView is clicked in.BooleanProperty
VirtualFlow. pannableProperty()
Indicates whether the VirtualFlow viewport is capable of being panned by the user (either via the mouse or touch events).BooleanProperty
TableHeaderRow. reorderingProperty()
Indicates if a reordering operation of a column is in progress.BooleanProperty
VirtualFlow. verticalProperty()
Indicates the primary direction of virtualization. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.effect
Methods in javafx.scene.effect that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
DisplacementMap. wrapProperty()
Defines whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.image
Methods in javafx.scene.image that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
ImageView. preserveRatioProperty()
Indicates whether to preserve the aspect ratio of the source image when scaling to fit the image within the fitting bounding box.BooleanProperty
ImageView. smoothProperty()
Indicates whether to use a better quality filtering algorithm or a faster one when transforming or scaling the source image to fit within the bounding box provided byfitWidth
. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.layout
Methods in javafx.scene.layout that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
Region. cacheShapeProperty()
Defines a hint to the system indicating that the Shape used to define the region's background is stable and would benefit from caching.BooleanProperty
Region. centerShapeProperty()
Defines whether the shape is centered within the Region's width or height.BooleanProperty
HBox. fillHeightProperty()
Whether or not resizable children will be resized to fill the full height of the hbox or be resized to their preferred height and aligned according to thealignment
vpos value.BooleanProperty
RowConstraints. fillHeightProperty()
The vertical fill policy for the row.BooleanProperty
ColumnConstraints. fillWidthProperty()
The horizontal fill policy for the column.BooleanProperty
VBox. fillWidthProperty()
Whether or not resizable children will be resized to fill the full width of the vbox or be resized to their preferred width and aligned according to thealignment
hpos value.BooleanProperty
GridPane. gridLinesVisibleProperty()
For debug purposes only: controls whether lines are displayed to show the gridpane's rows and columns.BooleanProperty
Region. scaleShapeProperty()
Specifies whether the shape, if defined, is scaled to match the size of the Region.BooleanProperty
Region. snapToPixelProperty()
Defines whether this region adjusts position, spacing, and size values of its children to pixel boundaries. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in
Methods in that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
MediaPlayer. autoPlayProperty()
Whether playing should start as soon as possible.BooleanProperty
AudioEqualizer. enabledProperty()
Enables or disablesAudioEqualizer
MediaPlayer. muteProperty()
Whether the player audio is muted.BooleanProperty
MediaView. preserveRatioProperty()
Whether to preserve the aspect ratio (width / height) of the media when scaling it to fit the node.BooleanProperty
MediaView. smoothProperty()
If set totrue
a better quality filtering algorithm will be used when scaling this video to fit within the bounding box provided byfitWidth
or when transforming. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.shape
Methods in javafx.scene.shape that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
PathElement. absoluteProperty()
A flag that indicates whether the path coordinates are absolute or relative.BooleanProperty
ArcTo. largeArcFlagProperty()
The large arc flag.BooleanProperty
Shape. smoothProperty()
Defines whether antialiasing hints are used or not for thisShape
ArcTo. sweepFlagProperty()
The sweep flag -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.text
Methods in javafx.scene.text that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
Text. caretBiasProperty()
The type of caret bias in the content.BooleanProperty
Text. strikethroughProperty()
Defines if each line of text should have a line through it.BooleanProperty
Text. underlineProperty()
Defines if each line of text should have a line below it. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.scene.web
Methods in javafx.scene.web that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
WebView. contextMenuEnabledProperty()
Specifies whether context menu is enabled.BooleanProperty
WebEngine. javaScriptEnabledProperty()
Specifies whether JavaScript execution is enabled. -
Uses of BooleanProperty in javafx.stage
Methods in javafx.stage that return BooleanProperty Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
PopupWindow. autoFixProperty()
This convenience variable indicates whether, when the popup is shown, it should automatically correct its position such that it doesn't end up positioned off the screen.BooleanProperty
PopupWindow. autoHideProperty()
Specifies whether Popups should auto hide.BooleanProperty
PopupWindow. consumeAutoHidingEventsProperty()
Specifies whether the event, which caused the Popup to hide, should be consumed.BooleanProperty
Window. forceIntegerRenderScaleProperty()
Boolean property that controls whether only integer render scales are set by default by the system when there is a change in the associated output scale.BooleanProperty
PopupWindow. hideOnEscapeProperty()
Specifies whether the PopupWindow should be hidden when an unhandled escape key is pressed while the popup has focus.BooleanProperty
Stage. resizableProperty()
Defines whether theStage
is resizable or not by the user.